
for safe grabbing

Lifting scissors

Mechanical grippers

Well cover



All grippers for
your business needs

We design, manufacture, and deliver grippers anywhere in Finland. Our grippers are custom-made for the needs of our customers. We always design our solutions in partnership with the customer. We also carefully consider the use site and purpose as well as the operating conditions.

Ask for a quote for a gripper customised to meet the exact needs of your business!

Details to facilitate operation can be designed for our grippers

Tailor-made fasteners and grippers are often used to assist with lifting. These will make the lifting process easier when the lifted item does not feature an actual lifting point.

A gripper can be secured for example by using a scissor design where the gripper is clamped down by the weight of the load. Clamping the lifted item can be achieved by mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or electronic means.

Get to know our products

Porrastarrain WLL 200 kg


  • Nostoapuvälinettä käytetään yksittäisten porrasaskelmien nostoon.

  • Nostimen varsien pituutta voidaan säätää eripituisille askelmille.

Paalitarrain WLL 100 kg


  • Tarrainta käytetään sellupaalien nostoihin.

  • Tarrainlevyt puristavat paalia vasten ilmanpaineen avulla.

  • Nostolaitetta pystytään käyttämään ja ohjaamaan ohjainvarren avulla.

Nostosakset WLL 1200 kg


  • Nostosaksia käytetään betonipenkkien nostoon.

  • Nostosakset soveltuvat sekä suorien että kaarevien betonipenkkien nostamiseen.

  • Nostimessa on kahva nostolenkin ympärillä helpottamaan nostimen ohjaamista.

Nostosakset WLL 100 kg


  • Nostosaksia käytetään komposiittirakenteisten paineputkien nostoon.

Safe and innovative lifting equipment

Safety is a top priority for us in designing and manufacturing lifting clamps. Other key factors in our production are ergonomics and conventionality.

Our lifting clamps come with a CE mark, so the products are always in line with EU standards. The clamp is also accompanied by service and maintenance instructions as well as certifications.

When required, we provide additional information and training on how to use our products.

The grippers we make guarantee safe lifting. Let us know what you need and ask for a quote!